Handbook for road design

Автори: Valentin Nikolov, Ivo Gadzhov
Формат: 17,0 х 24.0 cm; 208 стр. 2012 г.; меки корици

The first handbook on roads that I used as a student and young engineer was the “Handbook for designing roads, streets and aerodromes” from 1979, authored by Prof. Dr G. Shtilyanov and Prof. Dr T. Todorov as well as its next edition in 1996. In 1995 a new team consisting of Prof. Dr. I. Trifonov and P. Parvanov, MSc published “Handbook for the design of roads” with the last edition in 2001. It is almost superfl uous to remind that all editions of these books have been long exhausted, as knowledge gained from them hase been used by the Bulgarian engineers to design thousands of miles of roads in the country and abroad. This guide is an attempt to continue the good tradition established by the authors of the handbooks mentioned above: to offer timely and useful information in this field to students and young engineers. The content is considered with the latest legislative and regulatory
framework on the topic in the country (Road Act published in State Gazette No 26/29.03.2000 with the amendments published in State Gazette No 53/13. 07.2012, Standards for Road Design 2000/ SRD 2000 with part 4 “Earthly body” from 2005, Technical Specifi cation 2009). At the same time it is focused on the use of modern software for road design (“Pythagoras
CAD + GIS V 11.32”) with specifi c instructions and examples of its application. German cross sections of roads outside settlements and the latest version of dimensioning asphalt road structures by the method based on equivalent units using a safety coeffi cient are
presented. We sincerely hope that this handbook will be helpful for each student and civil engineer with interest in practical knowledge of road design. The fi rst step to improve the
road network in Bulgaria after its accession to the EU was to develop quality projects of road construction. We realize that the handbook might have drawbacks. Your critical comments and questions will help to improve it possibly in a new edition. The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to Assoc. Prof. Dr Rumen Ivanov, Assoc. Prof. Dr Chavdar Kolev, Dr Anna Dzhaleva-Chonkova and Petyo Piskulev, Senior lecturer for their assistance with preparing the English version of this handbook.

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